Detroit Bid Whist Marathon

5 Card Kitty Bid Whist Tournament Rules

Kitty Bid Whist Tournament Rules


    1. 5 card kitty
    2. 4 is the minimum bid
    3. Specials take out straight bids.
    4. No trumps take out any bid of the same numeric value.
    5. If all the players pass the dealer must take a bid of at least 4.
    6. Rounds won determines advancement to next level of play.
    7. In the event of a tie points will be the deciding factor.
    8. You get what you bid, not what you make!


Time restraints

    1. Each round is 15 minutes.
    2. The halfway point will be announced.
    3. When the timer sounds you will be permitted to complete the hand being played only.


Progression to next level of play

    1. There are 4 rounds in the first set.
    2. There are 3 rounds in the sweet 16.
    3. There are 2 rounds in the elite 8.
    4. There is 1 round in the final four.



  1. Points equal the numeric value of an uptown or downtown bid.
  2. No trump is double.
  3. Regular Bostons are 13 points.
  4. No trump Bostons are 26 points.
  5. Validate your team’s score and sign.
  6. Score sheets will be collected and tallied at the end of each round.
  7. Circle all Bostons.
  8. No player is allowed to see the score during play. Scores will be posted after each level of play.
  9. In the event of a tied round one hand will be played to determine the winner of the round. No extra points will be awarded for that hand.

Call tournament director to initiate procedure



    1. Before the first round begins each player is responsible for making sure all the cards in a suit are in the deck.
    2. The player opening the deck is responsible for making sure there is a joker in the deck.
    3. First diamond starts the deal.
    4. The player to the right of the dealer must cut the deck.
    5. You must deal clockwise only, face down so that cards can not be seen.
    6. The first four or the last four cards can not be put in the kitty.
    7. A card can only be placed in the kitty between the dealer and the player to his/her left.
    8. Each player must count his/her cards face down before each hand starts. (Each player should have 12 cards)
    9. In the event of a misdeal the deal stays.



    1. Each round consists of 4 hands.
    2. There are 4 rounds in the first set.
    3. There are 3 rounds in the sweet 16.
    4. There are 2 rounds in the elite 8.
    5. There is 1 round in the final four.
    6. 4 is the minimum bid
    7. All bids and passes must be stated loud enough for all players at the table to hear it.
    8. Bidding is done clockwise beginning with the player to the dealer’s left.
    9. If a player bids out of turn the opposing team may call for lost of hand and receive the points called.



    1. The kitty is never sported. If the kitty is sported the opposing team wins the hand.
    2. The player who gets the bid must keep his/her kitty
    3. Once a card is played the kitty can not be reopened.
    4. No books can be reopened once turned.
    5. All hands must be played out or until the bid is set.
    6. One player from each team keeps the books in an orderly fashion.
    7. Do not stack the books one on top of the other,

    8. Players can not play out of turn.
    9. Cards board themselves. Except when it forces a renege.
    10. All players must be allowed to see every card played on a book.
    11. The bidder must kill the joker in a no trump.
    12. The joker does not have to be played as soon as you run out of a suit.
    13. However it must be thrown off by the end of the hand.

      If a player has followed suit and ends up with the lead with only the joker in their hand their partner’s card determines the suit.

    14. No talking across the board. Blatantly and repeatedly talking across the board is grounds for disqualification.

Questions allowed during play

    1. What is the bid?
    2. What suit lead?
    3. Whose turn is it?
    4. Who dealt?
    5. What’s trump? (Only allowed when no card are in play)



  1. The player calling the renege can turn over all of the opponent’s books if necessary to prove a renege.
  2. If the player proves a renege their team wins the hand.
  3. If the player can not prove a renege after turning over all the books the team calling the renege loses the hand.
  4. A renege can not be forced.


    5 Card Kitty Bid Whist Tournament Techs

    Teams suspecting a tech must stop play immediately and call a tournament director for a ruling. The team committing a tech will be accessed the appropriate penalty.



    Remember: Tournament directors will not intervene in play. A ruling will only be made when requested. Rulings will be made according to the rules. It is your option to call a tech.

    Don’t be a fool!

    The penalties for committing the following techs are:

    Original dealer redeals

      1. The deck is not cut.
      2. The first four or the last four cards are put in the kitty.
      3. A card is placed in the kitty other than between the dealer and the player to his/her left.


    Lose the hand

      1. The kitty is sported.
      2. Picking up, looking through, adding, or removing cards from the discard pile (kitty) after a card has been played.
      3. Reopening a book once it has been turned.
      4. Both players on a team keep books.
      5. Books are stacked one on top of the other.
      6. The person who gets the bid gives the kitty to his partner.
      7. Renege is proven the team committing the renege loses the hand.
      8. Renege is not proven after turning over all the books the team calling the renege loses the hand.
      9. Playing out of turn
      10. Failure to throw off the joker in a no trump bid (unless player has followed suit every play).
      11. One player not having enough or having too many cards at the end of a hand.
      12. Bidding out of turn.
      13. No talking across the board. Blatantly and repeatedly talking across the board is grounds for disqualification.

    Questions allowed during play

      1. What is the bid?
      2. What suit lead?
      3. Whose turn is it?
      4. Who dealt?
      5. What’s trump? (Only allowed when no card is in play)


    Removal from the tournament (no refund will be given)

      1. Cheating
      2. Violent behavior






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